Master of the Mythic – Opposed Faction

In my series of stories for my serial pulp fantasy collection, (vol. 1 available at and ebook available at . The various groups of wizards who manipulate the world have a rival faction composed primarly of genies, demons, dark spirits, and corrupted humans; all dedicated to pulling all reality into the bottomless pit of oblivion… but  who are they? Why are they doing this? Where did they come from?  Pick up a copy and start to find out, or become a patron and get a free pdf of part one of the story “Beyond the Dreams of Space.” 

Masters of the Mythic is now available as an ebook!

Masters of the Mythic is now available as an ebook! A collection of serial short stories  set in a fantastic world much like our own, and tied together by a conspiracy of ancient wizards living just beyond our world!  They stories are as diverse as the characters they portray, featuring romance, action, fantasy, and mystery. For only $2.99, you can join Iste-Hulwa, queen of Lost Atlantis, as she travels through space on an epic journey! Read all about Patricia and Ed’s forbidden love, about Merry-Andra the clown stumbling into a fight with demon-possessed teenagers, and about the ordinary Carroll and Zarek as they learn about the supernatural in ways both easy and hard. 

Help Me Unlock 1st Goal ($100 of donations)

A close friend and personal patron gave me a gift of a new computer, a huge help to me because my present system is quite old and not up to the task of running many of the programs I use to generate content.  However, I can’t move to the new system until I can afford the monthly license fee for Adobe and other related costs.  Additionally, I need to build some basic operational cost to develop releases for my books and other projects, as well as purchasing replacements for my dwindling repository of art supplies.

I have always tried to release as much of my artwork as I could for free on Facebook, Deviant Art, and others. Unfortunately, the sales of my books and other products are not enough to cover my basic costs.  I am hoping to continue making as much of my work widely available as possible, but that requires support so I can continue to produce it.

At the moment I am still developing my blog and much of my art is being updated behind a paywall.  I would like to change that, posting my finished illustrations publicly and limiting the patron blog posts to exclusive content.  For as little as a $1 a month, I can do this if enough of you help.

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