Panik Bedlam

Giant Man-Spider


   An Illustration for the upcoming Masters of the Mythic Vol 3 (Vol. 1 is available now on, Search Panik Bedlam   or as an ebook on ).  This is from the third part of Beyond the Dreams of space.  I’m a little ahead on production of the second issue, (Available in April) so I’m getting ahad on the art.  Please help support my art and get access to addtional content by donating a dollar.

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Master of the Mythic – Opposed Faction

In my series of stories for my serial pulp fantasy collection, (vol. 1 available at and ebook available at . The various groups of wizards who manipulate the world have a rival faction composed primarly of genies, demons, dark spirits, and corrupted humans; all dedicated to pulling all reality into the bottomless pit of oblivion… but  who are they? Why are they doing this? Where did they come from?  Pick up a copy and start to find out, or become a patron and get a free pdf of part one of the story “Beyond the Dreams of Space.” 

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