Late in the Dark of Night
A drawing I drew and a poem I wrote. Not for any particular project, just because 🙂
A drawing I drew and a poem I wrote. Not for any particular project, just because 🙂
A drawing I drew and a poem I wrote. Not for any particular project, just because 🙂
I posted it earlier, but now in colour!
An Illustration for the upcoming Masters of the Mythic Vol 2 (Vol. 1 on, Search Panik Bedlam or as an ebook on ). Its a picture from my story “Milo the Rascle” Where a magical three legged cat ends up on a tumultuous adventure in a world of fantasy and danger.
An Illustration for the next issue of “Masters of the Mythic” (First Vol. available on or as an ebook on ). This image is from part two of “Beyond the Dreams of Space.” By becoming a Patreon Member for as little as a dollar you can get free sample chapters or even whole Ebooks as they are released.
An Illustration for the upcoming “Rev. Panik Bedlam presents: Masters of the Mythic Vol 2” (Vol. 1 on, Search Panik Bedlam or as an ebook on ). Its for Part 2 of Serial “The Curse of the Green Stele” by Alex Z. Legerdemain.
In my series of stories for my serial pulp fantasy collection, (vol. 1 available at and ebook available at . The various groups of wizards who manipulate the world have a rival faction composed primarly of genies, demons, dark spirits, and corrupted humans; all dedicated to pulling all reality into the bottomless pit of oblivion… but who are they? Why are they doing this? Where did they come from? Pick up a copy and start to find out, or become a patron and get a free pdf of part one of the story “Beyond the Dreams of Space.”
Masters of the Mythic is now available as an ebook! A collection of serial short stories set in a fantastic world much like our own, and tied together by a conspiracy of ancient wizards living just beyond our world! They stories are as diverse as the characters they portray, featuring romance, action, fantasy, and mystery. For only $2.99, you can join Iste-Hulwa, queen of Lost Atlantis, as she travels through space on an epic journey! Read all about Patricia and Ed’s forbidden love, about Merry-Andra the clown stumbling into a fight with demon-possessed teenagers, and about the ordinary Carroll and Zarek as they learn about the supernatural in ways both easy and hard.
An Illustration for the next issue of “Masters of the Mythic” (First Vol. available on and on ).